Tuesday, September 06, 2005

A quick one...

Gosh! I remembered wrongly the timing for my subject pool today. Thank heavens i got the date correct at least. It was supposed to be from 3-4pm, but i had actually marked down 2-3pm on my little diary. Hence this breather to quickly type this entry.

Played a tiring game of soccer on Sunday. My first game after a month long hiatus. As it is, my mum forbids me to play the beautiful game during the lunar 7th mth. She claims its the only time when those "kids" come out to play, and no matter how i try to convince her that RI is a holy place, it all fell on deaf ears. That's my mum for you -- supertitious!! But well. i can't blame her, can i?? After all, i did break a leg while kicking the ball in Sec 2, and its my safety she's concerned with.

My whole body is still aching from then. And yes.. i am in desperate need of exercise!!

Arrgghhh!! Winston!!!!

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